This capacitor had me very excited for its arrival, coated in bright blue lights to match my sub system and boasting 18 farads of power. When it arrived, installation was a breeze. The instructions were detailed and specific and I encountered no snags.
However, the performance of the product was an absolutely tremendous disappointment. In comparison to the Rockford Fosgate 1 farad capacitor I had installed previously, this BOSS barely even made its presence known. The headlights nearly went out when the bass hit (my system pushes approx. 2000 watts RMS) and I feared damage to my vehicle's charging system from the massive power drain. Overall I am extremely dissatisfied with the product's performance and I am planning to return it tomorrow (the day after I received it).
Click Here to see more reviews about: Boss CAP18 18 Farad Capacitor
Product Description:
18 Farad Capacitor
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