This seller is dishonest in his sales, and the cost of postage. They claimed that it would cost $ 7.17 to mail my product of Four ounces. When i received my products still in their package I took it to the post-office to be weight and to check how much postage was paid to send it too me, the Clerk at the post-office advised me that the postage paid by the seller to send me the items was $ 1.73. So the seller gained another $ 5.44 profit by lieing to me about the cost of S&H. this type of selling is very unethical, and leaves the buyer wondering how many others did these people cheat on their postage fees. There is only one word that discribes these types of sellers, "CROOKS". Beware when buying from these people and request a copy of how much the actual postage will be, and a receipt of the postage payed on your package.
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